Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Worse Than the Disease?

I'm not a scientist, so I can't say whether the content in this article is  true or just propaganda from the so-called "anti-vaxers". But I can think about this logically and consider it in context rather than in isolation. It's called 'joining the dots'. 

Some dots: 

Scientific investigation and discovery isn't something that's done by genuinely independent researchers in basements and potting sheds, using equipment they could build themselves, any more. All that low-hanging fruit was picked more than a century ago. Science today requires massive and expensive infrastructure and commesurate levels of  investment. The scientific community is now almost completely beholden to governments and Big Business for it's continued existence (aka "funding"). It's impossible that this reality doesn't factor into what scientists say publicly. "Research" that confirms the biases/objectives of government and big business gets funding while research that produces results that don't, gets, uh, canned. 

Fauchi has been exposed as lying about the origins of the Chinken Pox. It was manufactured in a lab. It didn't evolve naturally. Discucussion about whether it is a bioweapon or a research tool is irrelevant, as are arguments about whether it was released accidentally or deliberately. Yet, governments everywhere have accepted the advice and formed policy based on F's utterances (even when he was contradicting himself). 

So much for the "Science". The official response to the pandemic has been entirely political. 

Everything governments have done, has had the effect of restricting or eliminating their citizens' legal and contitutional rights and civil liberties. Of course, these measures are "temporary", for "the duration of the emergency". I've also heard a lot of (official) talk that the Kung Flu will be with us forever, so there's that. Just for shits 'n giggles, would anyone like to identify a "temporary" power that a government has relinquished, voluntarily?  

Every economic measure in the Governments' response to the pandemic, has favored 'big business' and damaged small business. The public health response, on the other hand, has done nothing to actually stop the spread of the virus. The best they can claim is that they've slowed it, a bit. But the economic and social damage of these efforts is incalculable. All this for a disease that has a 99.99% survival rate among healthy people who don't have potentially lethal existing medical conditions and aren't morbidly obese?  

The death-toll from Wu-Flu - the number the media incessantly hammers you with, to frighten you into running to your nearest vaccination centre - isn't what matters. The number that really matters - the one the media never mentions - is the number of excess deaths. This is the number of deaths over-and-above the normal number that would occur in a typical, historical Flu season. Thousands die of common Flu every year and no one bats an eye. The total number of deaths in Australia during the 2020 Flu season was no higher statistically, than in any previous, pre Covid year. Ergo, no excess deaths

Authorities have actively suppressed dissent wherever it contradicts the 'official narrative'. Mainstream and social media are complicit in this. Good ideas, like good deals, are self-evident and can (but don't need to) be argued on their merits. Only bad deals and bad ideas have to be 'sold' to (or forced on) people. Just look at how hard the authorities are spruiking their "vaccine" and their lockdown. 

Further, authorities have ignored or actively suppressed discussion of any and all alternatives to their "vaccine". It was almost comical to watch our (Labor) state governments in Victoria and Queensland ban Hydroxychloroquine within hours of Donald Trump mentioning it in a speech. (He didn't say it was a cure. He didn't even recommend it as a treatment. He merely said it was something that was worthy of further investigation.) No explanation was given for the ban and no discussion was tolerated. Just threats to cancel the medical licences of any doctor who prescribed it. The only justification appears to be "Orange Man (and everything Orange Man says is) bad". 

It's a legal requirement that vaccine recipients be fully informed of any and all known effects (good and bad), risks and benefits of any pharmaceutical they are receiving. This also includes information about alternative treatments (like Hydroxychloroquine). The authorities fail utterly in this responsibility. There is no possible way anyone can make a genuinely informed decision about this "vaccine" if they are only given access to one side of the debate (the authority's) and unless all the concerns, such as those the linked article, whether valid or not, are made known to them. It is up to those promoting any treatment to adequately address all concerns. Refusing to acknowledge them, dismissing them as "nonsense" and "conspiracy theory" is not satisfactory. 

And again, the suppression of cheap, readily available treatments in favor of expensive, untested products from "Big Pharma" only emphasises where Governments' priorities and loyalties really lie. Let's not forget that "Big Pharma" has been completely indemnified against any and all legal repurcussions, should the rushed, untested products they produce, turn out to be worse than the disease they're meant to protect the population from. And evidence is building that this is exactly what's happening. 

The people pushing the vaccination campaign are the same ones who are pushing the so-called "Great Reset" (you know, the spruikers of "You will own nothing and you will be happy") and an integral part of this (globalist) initiative is the rapid reduction of the worlds' population. Because "climate change"or something. 

Once again, the mainstream and social media have backed this initiative to the hilt. 

Everything I've listed above, is the standard operating procedure of totalitarian regimes.

And in regard to the whole vaccine rollout, whatever happened to the Precautionary Principle? I trust the Science. That doesn't mean I trust the Scientists, particularly the ones whos' careers depend on keeping their paymasters happy. For those who've rushed out and got the jab because they were told it is the right thing to do, by people who lie for a living, or because "I want to travel!" or some such (IMO) frivolous reason, I wish you good luck. I think you're gonna need it. 

Me? I've always been a "late-adopter". I'll wait to see the results of the largest human trial in history before I even consider getting this particular "vaccine". And before I agree to it, I'll want to get tested to see if I'm already carrying antibodies. Because if I am, I don't need to be vaccinated. Is it selfish to say I prefer to be a live pariah than a dead lab-rat? 

 The full URL: https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/the-killer-in-the-bloodstream-the-spike-protein/

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