Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday Links 26th August

FB  loves diversity. As long as it's anything but opinion.

What can I say? If recycling made any kind of economic sense, it'd be profitable and people would be making a living from it. Instead, it's just a "subsidy-dumpster" creating make-work for societys' parasites.

The wholly preventable disaster that is renewable energy rolls on:

Democracy is far from perfect. But it's still far better for more people than all the alternatives. This is why every 'centrally planned' economy and 'utopian dream' in history has failed. To succeed, a society and economy has to be built on the reality of the human condition.

Actually, a better way to implement a debt Jubilee is to gift every registered taxpayer $300k (that being the mean debt across the population) with the stipulation that it must be used to pay off debt. The recipients can spend whatever is left over on whatever they like. Some will be left with a reduced debt, some with no debt, some with a modest windfall and a few will get a large bonus.

Staked In The Heart doesn't post often, but quality over quantity. Like every other 'cause', Environmentalism is a leftist stalking horse, disguising yet another attempt to transfer wealth from societys' producers to societys' parasites. It works, but only until they run out of other peoples' money. Taking the wealth people produce without compensation, for whatever reason, is called slavery.

Here's what the Green New Deal is a gateway to:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday Links

Trawling the Interwebs to find thoughtful essays on important topics. There are always two sides in every debate. These represent the side that FB et-al don't want you to see.

A quiet week. 

Culture is downstream from race. "Every society is under threat from monsters, often ones they created or allowed to develop in their ranks. The people who survive are those who figure it out and either find a hero to slay the monster or do the job themselves."

You don't even get a say in who comes here, anymore.

There's more to this story than the media wanted to report.
There are two important points the media ignored in this (preventable) tragedy. 
One - The victim wasn't some 'innocent'. Ms Dunn wasn't prostituting herself to pay her way through uni. She was funding a lifestyle. 
Two - In all probability, Ms Dunn would be alive today, if she'd been able to defend herself effectively. So where's the feminist outrage? 
The media never lets a good tragedy go to waste, but in this case, no guns were involved so there's nothing for them to hang their narrative on. therefore, the story gets the "memory-hole" treatment.

Once again, understanding how the scam works, will help those willing to learn how to navigate the coming storm. The biggest part of the scam, is the idea, instilled from kindergarten onwards, that money fulfills three roles - a medium of exchange, a measure of (comparative) worth and a store of value. It's this last role that's false. 
Money is the ultimate intermediary. Change the way money works, and the whole world will change to accommodate it. This is why people like Baron Rothchild say "Give me control of a countrys' money and I care not who governs it."

Sadly, most people will simply go along with the scam, because that's the path of least resistance.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Monday Links

Don't have time to read all these? Try turning the TV off. It's the biggest waste of your time and the biggest purveyor of disinformation and outright lies. 

We aren't going to the stars...or the planets...or even back to the Moon. "Idiocracy" was meant to be a comedy, not a documentary.
"Because I don't know about you, but every time I try to help out a stupid person, try to prevent a young woman from majoring in something stupid, prevent a young man from going into debt, advocate fiscal discipline, or advocate freedom, I'm called a racist, a sexist, a homophobe or just plain "jerk."  And I'm getting sick of it.  I still leave one line in the water to hold out for those genuinely intelligent people who have been misled and brainwashed, but they are the rare minority.  The rest of the people are just plain stupid and arrogant on top of it.  They absolutely deserve to be enslaved.  Besides, it's what they want." (My italics)

Understand the scam. Humans are by nature, lazy and greedy. Deep-down, every one of us wants resources without having to work for them. That's not a criticism, just a statement of biological fact. A survival mechanism - firmware id you like - hardwired into every one of us from birth. Civilisation and culture channel these traits into positive, productive behaviours that benefit both the individual and the communities in which they're embedded. 

Free market Capitalism, combined with fossil-energy, is the only socio-economic arrangement in history that has enabled humans to achieve this without enslaving others. It's the only arrangement that enables more than a minority to retire - a condition where the wealth you worked for when you were able, works for you when you can't. And Western, Christian society and culture created the socio-economic conditions that allowed this arrangement to develop and flourish - rule-of-law, stable currencies, freedom of thought and expression.

Socialism only seeks to steal wealth already created by others and 'redistribute it to societys' parasites. 
"I think the true brilliance of the socialists of the world was to fool the masses into thinking they were independent-minded and not the complete tools of socialism they are.  You actually have them thinking they're smart, independent-minded, individuals, in control of their own destiny when they truly are the human batteries that power The Socialist Matrix.  And to that I tip my hat to the socialists.  That was incredibly well-played and your victims deserve precisely what you've given them."
Part 1

Part 2

This clearly illustrates the difference between the left and the non-Left.

Do you find it ironic that one of the Socialist Lefts' biggest supporters, is a capitalist oligarch?

Another data point, in the decline and fall of Western, Christian civilisation. The fools pushing this agenda, have no idea what will rush in to fill the vacuum. It won't be the Utopia they imagine.

Some activities are more resistant to convergence than others. Interestingly, the sports/activities most resistant, appear to be those requiring individual excellence against an objective, immutable standard - like the mountain. Prediction: If the Left can't converge an activity, they'll try to ban it. "All that counts in mountain biking is your skill versus the hill. There is no conceivable way in which to make it more “inclusive” for the terminally inadequate. So for now it appears to be safe from the ravages of the army of darkness. But that won’t stop them from trying and I very much expect to see future attempts to bring yet another hobby of white people to its knees. If somewhere white people are having fun by themselves then this needs to be stopped right away. Because it’s racism, don’t you know."

John Greer with some sobering thoughts. We won't be going to the stars. We won't be going to the planets either. We won't even be going back to the Moon. But, we won't be going back to the caves, either. The sooner we accept this, the better off we'll all be.

JHK on the mass shootings. "In a nation afflicted by fads, crazes, manias, and rages, mass murder is the jackpot for nihilists — begging the question: why does this country produce so many of them? Answer: this is exactly what you get in a culture where anything goes and nothing matters."

... and on the decline and fall of the Democratic Party. "Maybe “multiculturalism” wasn’t such a good idea after all."

Imagine how difficult it will be to get all that 'diversity' to agree on any coherent manifesto once they're in power. Oh wait! You don't have to:

Because the Left cares for nothing except POWER and their grand strategy forever has been "divide-and-conquer".

Mass shootings; They're the symptom, not the problem. But you can be guaranteed the Left will use these tragedies to further its' political agenda, coughcoughdisarmthepopulationcoughcough but will do nothing to address the cause. 

"The problem is not guns. The problem is not the Second Amendment, which as far as I am concerned is sacred writ. The problem is not American gun culture.

The problem is a culture in general that glorifies violence and showers attention upon people who commit terrible atrocities. The problem is the mass media, not mass shooters.

If Americans want to legislate something out of existence... they could jolly well start by banning ABCNNBCBS and the cabal of Bolsheviks who run them all." (My italics)

Some cultures are better than others. "Reality is that thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it. Biological reality is no exception. The history of man has been a struggle between people. History, geography and some good fortune made Europeans the dominant people on the globe, because they were willing and able to out-compete their rivals. That’s reality. If Europeans are unwilling to compete, then they will be overrun by their rivals. That too is reality, a realty that will not go away even if the deniers stop believing it."

The Left infects and corrupts everything it touches. It's a poisoned chalice.

And it does so by 'weaponising' every cause it can infiltrate and corrupt.

A good deal is self-evident. 

So, one has to wonder why the Left needs to use relatively unrelated socio-political movements to disguise its' agenda.

The "Blank Slate" theory, disproved. Two hundred years of Socialist meddling isn't going to change two million years of evolution. You can ignore reality but reality won't ignore you.  "The reflexive need for a symmetrical balance – even when there is none – is a human default. ‘Men and women are different’ is a radical statement in this era, not the least of which because it contradicts the Blank Slate religion that persists in spite of itself. When people ask me whether I believe men and women are equals and I answer ‘no’, they look as if I pulled the wings from a butterfly. I believe men and women are complements to each other and we’re better together than apart, but we are not equals. We are different, with differing motives and strategies that are part of who we are. We could achieve a far more harmonious social state by accepting and embracing these differences." (My italics)

Even the most good-natured dog will bite you, if you kick it often enough. As it turns out, this 'activist' wasn't murdered by a leftist enemy, but by a "friend" in a drunken brawl. It didn't stop the media from blaming the Lefts' favorite enemies (((white, straight males))) though. But no one should be surprised when the people leftists constantly villify and commit acts of violence against, retaliate.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Monday links too incorrect for FB

Another Monday collection of essays too politically incorrect for the FB censors

I need to put all links to here, because FB blocks all links to that blog. That makes it worth reading.

The lunatics are running the saylum...

"... You have to draw a line somewhere, friends. And this loathsome piece of shit is as good a point as any in which to begin." That description also fits the people people who support and encourage him and all the other freaks. It occurs to me, that these freaks deliberately target people who have moral or religious reasons not to do business with them. Maybe this could be grounds for counter-suits for deliberate, targeted intimidation?

#mediabias Notice how this article carefully avoids identifying the ethnicity or religious affiliation of the attackers and is worded to lead the reader to conclude that the attackers are native Frenchmen, when it's all to obvious who the offenders really are.

Even the poorest, most backward nations understand the importance of protecting their borders.

From this essay; Twelve ALTERNATIVE rules for life:
  1. Embrace the iron. Lifting weights will not only help you stand up straight, it will make you stronger, healthier, and more confident. The iron teaches the weak to be strong and it teaches the strong to be humble.
  2. Take the wheel. You are the ultimate architect of your own decisions and actions. Even if you were dealt a bad card by life, even if your genetics are inferior, your upbringing was terrible, and your instincts are suboptimal, you are the only one who can improve yourself. You are driving and only you can determine the destination.
  3. Be the friend that you want to have. Smiles are contagious. Loyalty inspires loyalty. Stand by those who stand by you. Give every friend who fails you a second chance. Only abandon those who have repeatedly proven they cannot be trusted and do not wish you well.
  4. Envision perfection and pursue excellence. You will never achieve perfection. But if you envision it and you strive for it, you may well achieve success, and perhaps even excellence.
  5. Put a ring on it. Marriage is the manifestation of love. Children are the manifestation of hope. Raising a family to serve as the foundation of future generations is how Man rebels against an uncaring universe, a fallen world, and the spirits of despair and destruction. Yes, there are real risks, especially in the current social and legal environment. But they are well worth taking nevertheless.
  6. Set your face against evil. You will encounter evil within and evil without on a daily basis. Stand against all of it, without fear, without hesitation, and without remorse. And when you fail, when you give into temptation, when you are defeated, regroup, repent, and rise again.
  7. Do what is right. Learn to listen to the still, small voice of conscience. Do what you know to be right, not what you can rationalize, justify, or excuse. If you have to talk yourself into something, then you probably already know in your heart of hearts that you are doing the wrong thing.
  8. Tell the truth in kindness. It is too hard and too exhausting to spend all your mental energies trying to keep track of an ever-growing multitude of exaggerations, false narratives, self-serving spins, and outright lies. Just tell the truth, as you best understand it, without taking pride in it or using it to hurt others.
  9. Learn the easy way. You will always encounter those who are stronger, smarter, and more successful than you are. Rather than envying them or attempting to tear them down to make yourself feel better, do your best to learn from them and apply those lessons to your own life. It is considerably easier and more efficient to learn from the mistakes of others than it is to make all of those same mistakes yourself.
  10. Believe the mirror. The most reliably self-destructive mistake you can make is to lie to yourself about who, what, and where you are, because doing so precludes any real self-improvement. Be ruthless with your self-assessments, without wallowing in self-pity or despair.
  11. Get back on the horse. Perseverance is one of the most important skills a man can develop. There is absolutely no substitute for the confidence and the courage that comes from the certain knowledge that you will get up again after an opponent, or life, knocks you down.
  12. Find a best friend. Dogs teach us many things, perhaps the most important of which is what unconditional love is. No matter how rich and successful a man may be, there is no life that the addition of a dog would not considerably improve. And yes, all dogs go to Heaven, obviously, because Heaven would not be paradise without them.
Then, read the whole thing here:

Socialism doesn't work. Socialism never worked. Socialism will never work.