Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Monday Essays for the Silenced Majority

Every empire in history has followed the same trajectory.

Diversity + proximity = war. That's why nations exist.

In this piece, the demographic that frightens me is the Nazis, or as I call them, the "Do-Gooders"; people with the congenital inability to "live and let live". They often operate from the most noble of sentiments (like the Temperance League), but the harm they do and have done, is incalculable.

Substitute "Australia" for "America" and you have an accurate picture of what's happening on this side of the lake. The division here may be simpler than in the U.S. and is developing along the lines of "country" vs "city".

Where are the Greens? Isn't this the sort of environmental vandalism they claim to oppose? Aren't they opposing a proposed wind-farm in Tasmania for exactly the same reason? Have they outlived their utility?

This is part-and-parcel of the decline and fall of a civilisation. John Greer did a whole series of posts on this theme in his old blog "The Archdruid Report".
The short form is that, since the Enlightenment, the role of religion has been replaced by the Academy (shorthand for all the sciences) and like religion before it, it's harnessed to the service of the dominant minority (elites) who use it to justify their rule. In our declining civilisation, the animosity of the ordinary people is directed at all the institutions seen to be supporting what they percieve to be a corrupt, incompetent oligarchy. Fed-up with the "dominant minority", people are turning their backs on the institutions that support them (including the Academy) and are seeking meaning and purpose in the margins. Precisely where religion was relegated, at the start of the Industrial Revolution.

Jim Kunstler, with his usual, acerbic analysis of the decline and fall of the American Empire.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Opinions FB Would Prefer You Didn't Read

What is Facebook? A "platform" or a publisher? Apparently, they think they can be both! It appears Facebook has been quietly blocking some of my posts. I can still see them, so I didn't know they're blocked until I saw a couple of "counter-articles" posted immediately below one (on the climate change scam) I linked to (that wasn't blocked) and followed the settings to find out what they were and why they'd appeared on my page.

Knowing that FB censors opinions it disagrees with, I'm going to collate all the good articles and links I find into blog posts here and just alert everyone on FB when I put one up. 
So here are the links FB has blocked over the last couple of weeks, along with my comments. 

"Nations are a wonderful thing. People need to have a sense of identity, of belonging, of roots. As one of those who doesn't really have a nation, but merely a passport, I wish more Westerners could understand just how privileged they are to belong to their nations - and to have passports that are worth considerably more than the paper that they are printed on." 

A few gems from the blogs I follow... It appears the Greens believe it's possible to simultaneously promote and oppose the same environmental initiatives: 

But what do you expect from a group whos' collective conversation with objective reality (and the rest of the world) has become a monologue? 

And the result is that the inmates are now running the asylum: 

Just so no-one can claim I'm biased (actually, I am), Capitalism is also going feral. Increasingly, this is how employers in the West treat their workers. Still, this kind of nonsense has a very short 'use-by' date: https://didactsreach.blogspot.com/2019/05/domain-query-reactor-scrag-inevitable.html 

Contrast that, with a company that values its employees: 

This one is particularly important!  "Diversity breeds distrust. Distrust breeds discivic behaviour. Discivic behaviour leads, always and everywhere, to the collapse of once-superior and strong civilisations. To argue otherwise is to ignore the often-harsh and painful lessons of history, in which high-trust societies became low-trust ones and started falling to pieces, gradually at first, then faster and faster, until nothing was left of them but a few charred and broken remains." 