Saturday, July 28, 2018

Leftist Protests and How To Beat Them

The Left believes they have won the culture war and now they're the dominant culture, they only need to mop up the last pockets of (non-Left) resistance. But what they fail to appreciate is that while the the majority of Australians may be 'centre-Left' and supportive of liberal democratic ideals, this is a far cry from the extreme Marxist position that people in the Socialist Alternative and and other Leftist organisations of its ilk, take. The battle for the hearts and minds of the Australian public is still well and truly alive. If my own lived experience is anything to go by, ordinary Australians are (belatedly) becoming aware that the Left's calls for "tolerance", "diversity" and "equality" are stalking-horses for a far more sinister agenda. ("Safe" (for who or what?) Schools?) And they're starting to question the Left's motives.

The fastest way to defeat the Left would be to silence the mainstream media, particularly television. But since that's impossible, the next best tactic is to expose the Left and it's sinister agenda for the monstrosity it really is, by forcing them to show their hypocrisy to all . . . preferably in front of  television cameras. Oh! The delicious irony!

We're in a silent, undeclared war. A war on our culture. Not all war is fought in a physical battlespace with guns and bombs. A successful full spectrum fighter employs weapons and tactics across ALL battlespaces. The most effective place to win a war is in the psychological battlespace because that's where most people are at their weakest. A true strategist understands that.

Go and fight where their defenses are weakest and most easily overcome.

Case in point, how do you win a fight in a marriage? You let your more emotional other (female or male) half wear themselves out with screaming and yelling and what do they do? They collapse from their hysteria and often go to sleep. This is why meme warfare is so effective against the Left. If your enemies' greatest strength is the (easily inflamed) emotions that bind them, wear them down by keeping them excited, emotive and consequently exhausted. Keeping Leftists wound up not only exhausts them. It also comprimises their immune systems and psychological stability. That leads to depression (from which they already suffer, thanks to their inability to deal with reality) and breakdown.

How do you win? You beat SJWs by keeping them in the state they love the most - Hysteria. Nothing burns a person out faster than hysteria. Keep them in their highly energized emotive state - highly excited and irrational, and they burn out and collapse. Unless they can recharge their batteries through sleep and calm, they just keep descending into their own madness. Use it, and win. Observe how they act when interviewed or at their demonstrations; They're hot flash fires that get crazy and then stamina, so as the hysterics burn out they rotate in fresh hysterics to fill the space.

The key to beating them, is too keep their most effective voices (hysterics) out front and constantly engaged so they burn out TOGETHER, then their psychophant followers back off due to lack of “leadership”. Most are cowards and can only function in the mob setting where they have “emotional” support.

Pay attention. Its right there in front of you all.

This suggests that an effective counter to the Leftist protests at non-Leftist gatherings could be as simple as a small, peaceful counter-protest. The counter-protestors would only need to display provocative (to Leftists) clothing (M.A.G.A. caps?), signs bearing (polite) anti-Left slogans and memes, for example:

 File:Keep your environment clean from feminism.svg - Wikimedia Commons


 Kostenlose Illustration: Pepe Den Frosch, Frog, Meme ...

and a general 'fuck-you!' attitude.  The aim of course, is to get the Leftists frothing at the mouth and let them destroy their own brand. Our goal is to win hearts-and-minds by displaying, in the starkest possible terms to the general public, the difference between the "Loony-Left" and the sensible centerists.

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