Friday, January 26, 2018

Australia Day

Another Australia Day produced the usual litany of protests, street marches and demands to "change the date", "change the name" and otherwise destroy the national day.

Isn't it curious that people who don't share Australian values, people who have grievances (real, manufactured or imagined) about Australian culture and values, can't create their own special days and events and celebrate them in their own ways? Even if the other 97% of Australians don't share their views, we would respect their right to have them. A right that, ironically, was won (at great cost in blood and treasure) by the same Australians who's memory and culture these people disrespect.

Instead, they do everything they can, encouraged by the "intellectual elite", aided and abetted by the media, and approved by the authorities, to disrupt and spoil the day for everyone else.

They don't build or create. They just destroy.

Australia's is a great place. If it was the violent, racist, (insert favorite adjective)-phobic, misogynistic shit hole these moronic protesters claim it is, then why are they clamoring to come here, or bring even more people here?

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