Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Wentworth By-Election

The election of an independent in the formerly safe 'Liberal' seat of Wentworth yesterday only highlights that even Conservative voters (the traditional Liberal support base) have lost faith in 'their' party and are now 'parking' their votes with independents and small parties who, in their eyes, can't do any more harm than the 'majors' have already done. Academics, the media and the political 'elite' may complain that the electorate is moving to the 'right', but it's academia, the media and politics that have moved to the Left. In his (mercifully brief) tenure as P.M., Turnbull has moved the LP decisively to the Left and it's policy platform now sits outside the spectrum of what's acceptable to most Conservative voters. 

This result only confirms that people are starting to realise that a vote for the LNP is no different than a vote for Labor/Greens. At this stage, Conservative voters are still hoping that the LNP will come to its senses, grow a spine and start opposing the slow Socialist creep that's been infecting Australian politics for the last five decades. But it's only going to take another couple of election-cycles before even the most die-hard Liberal voters are finally forced to admit that 'their' party is now firmly in the Socialist orbit. And that opens the door for a genuinely Conservative political movement to form and grow. 

To a Leftist, a "new Conservative political movement/party" equals "NAZI". Of course, to a Leftist, anything non-Left is "Nazi". The irony (lost on Leftists) is that the Nazis were Socialists  - their official title is (was) the "National Socialist German Worker's Party". The only difference between the Nazis and the Communists, is that the former were national Socialists and the latter were (are) international Socialists. They're simply two opposing sects of the same ideology, no different in principle to Catholic vs Protestant or Sunni vs Shia. Regardless of whether it expresses itself in nationalist or internationalist form, Socialism is the most bloodthirsty ideology ever to afflict mankind.

I think politics in Australia will divide along the pro vs anti Immigration and the Globalism vs Nationalism debates, with the new 'Conservative' movement opposing (mass) immigration and favoring (ethnic) Nationalism, and the current 'majors' along with the Greens and their ilk supporting (mass) immigration and the "Globalist" agenda.

A new non-Leftist political (it may not call itself "Conservative") platform will likely contain the following elements:

pro "Ethnic Nationalism" (as distinct from "Civic Nationalism")
pro Christian
pro Capitalism
pro (genuine) freedom-of-speech
pro freedom-of-association
pro self-defence
pro rule-of-law
pro Coal/Nuclear 
pro constitutional Monarchy

anti Globalism, particularly anti U.N. (and all the (globalist) treaties/agreements that body promotes)
anti "free trade"
anti (mass) immigration (particularly from incompatible cultures)
anti Islam
anti abortion
anti Feminism
anti welfare 
anti subsidies 

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