Sunday, March 10, 2024

Upset of the Century?

'Though the language and rhetoric are quite mild (by Andrew Anglin's usual standards), this article is still a bit 'spicy' for Faceborg. Not to mention that AA is considered 'persona non gratia' on that platform. 

Most thinking people, myself included, conclude that, no matter how popular Donald Trump is, or how big a majority of the popular vote he wins, the Demoncrats will simply rig the election. They got away with it in 2020 and, seeing as there were absolutely no consequences then, they have zero reason to think they won't get away with it again in 2024. 

But AA argues that the vested interests the "Swamp" actually serves, as distinct from the American people, will be looking for the candidate that best suits their agenda, and given the utterly chaotic and psychotic performance of the Demoncrats over the last four years, and Trumps admission of support for Israel (the tail that wags the dog), the people who count the votes, as opposed to the votes that count, may just let the Donald back into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

But there's also a darker reason. The greatest and most constant fear of the ruling class, is revolution - the Tumbril and the Giloutine:

"In a modern liberal democracy, you don’t need public support for any policy. A democracy government is always just a puppet of private interest groups, and the population has no ability to influence state decisions. The only threat is domestic upheaval, which is generally extremely unlikely in a democracy, given that people will usually simply say “well, I’ll vote for the other guy next time” instead of going into the streets and creating chaos. However, if Biden is reinstalled as president in November, and the wars continue, the economy turns down, and the crime and immigrant situation keeps getting more extreme, you could end up in a situation where no matter how hard the media lies, his real level of support is below 15%. At that point, you are moving into a very precarious situation, where you could start seeing real political violence that threatens the country’s basic stability. There is a switch that can be flipped in the collective psyche of a human population where they, almost simultaneously, become violently enraged, and start acting on that. Right now, Biden’s Israel policy and his immigration invasion both threaten to trigger this collective psychological mechanism."

Read the whole article!